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The Showroom

August 27, 2019


Unfortunate News About My Showroom (and Perelandra)...


After nearly 39 great years in Black Mountain it became necessary to move my Song of the Wood Showroom because the building was sold. I have lived and worked in my East Asheville location for over 30 years now so I was excited about having all my activities in one, manageable location! Unfortunately … a few neighbors became extremely upset at my move and contacted Buncombe County authorities about, what they deemed to be, illegal activity in a Residentially Zoned area. Many residents have and still do “business” from their property but as a result of these complaints I have had to discontinue my Concert series in Perelandra and no longer allow public access to, what was to be, my new Showroom here at my Workshop!


As you might imagine … this has not only created an uncomfortable atmosphere with the neighbors … but it has severely damaged my ability to continue to make a living at what I've been doing now for nearly 45 years in these beautiful North Carolina mountains. I am trying my best to find some resolution that will satisfy both my neighbors and the authorities so I can continue my lifestyle in peace.


I would like to apologize to all my friends and supporters for the disruption and inconvenience these circumstances have caused. I do want to let you know that SONG OF THE WOOD is alive and well (although wounded!) and regardless of these changes … we will soldier on. I love that I get to bring music to thousands of interested men, women, boys and girls whether by providing them with an instrument to play … or a performance to inspire!

I will still be available by appointment 7 days a week, but I will need to have you as a guest in my home. Call or email me anytime!  I look forward to seeing you.

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