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Old "Good News" Page 38

June 29, 2018 Home now after a wonderful motorcycle ride ... to see Steve and Linda ... then Seth, Dawn and crew.  What an awesome summer night here in WNC.  I hope I can show you this place someday.  In the meantime I'm worshipping with my favorite worship group.  I seriously can't wait to meet Kim, Chris and all.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I am tonight:

June 30, 2018 So I was just in my kitchen testing a "brat" with mustard on a potato bun.  Tomorrow's reception is going to be summer delight with my new grill/smoker ... to say nothing about the amazing music with Nicolas Carter.  While I was in the testing and eating mode I turned on AXS TV and found Tommy Shaw/ Sing For the Day with the Contemporary Youth Orchestra.  I loved Styx.  But this is so cool.  If my Swannanoa Valley Cultural Arts Village ever comes to be ... I will contact Tommy to be a part of it.  I hope you like this ... it's just a part of the whole thing and it's definitely worth watching.  Anyway ... watch the kids ... the joy ... the concentration ... "I am ... what I am."

July 3, 2018 Just spent the last two days with two new friends ... Nicolas (Paraguay) and his lovely wife Marty (Brazil).  Whew ... such a wonderful time serving as tour guide for our amazing home here.  Anyway ... worshipping seriously this afternoon ... eagerly awaiting my upcoming visit to meet new friends ... and music ... and .....  So if you'd like to see some of where I AM today ... you can begin the exploration here:

July 3, 2018 As I continue to Worship today I send this to you from he who loves YOU like no other.  I hope you can hear this ... Beloved:

July 4, 2018 So today as I celebrate our "independence" ... day.  We are free ... not just from countries ... or boundries ... but from our past.  Today we get to look ahead ... unfettered.  Today we get to ... be ... with our Beloved ... for ... ever!  So drop the chains that are holding you back.  Look ahead.  Breathe ... deep.  Take time to understand this.  Listen to this:

July 10, 2018 So many links.  Back from Nashville.  Wow.  What a weekend ... what a time with so many new friends.  Worhippng tonight with my favorite:  Please ... close your eyes my dear ... listen:

July 12, 2018 Just found this from Amanda and crew.  Great day on the golf course.  Home now ... praising our Father as I know so many are doing ... in our homes ... as we await deliverence.  We shall be delivered.  Hope you like this my brothers and sisters.  This is where the war ends!  Thank YOU Amanda.

July 12, 2018 One more tonight my dear ...  Sweet dreams to all the kingdom.

July 18, 2018 I'm posting this again ... because ... as I Worship this day in "speechless" gratitude ... I am prompted.  This is such an amazing video ... and performance.  My apologies to my brothers and sisters who believe ... this ... is ... NOT ... worship.  I will continue to pray that you might some day understand.  If you simply ... can't go there ... then I will still pray that you eventually find the peace you so desperately seek.

July 18, 2018 Well ... if you have a minute while you make that toasted cheese sandwich and you listened to my last post ... don't let it burn ... but continue to worship the living God and ... enjoy your lunch ...


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