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Old "Good News" Page 13

Updated: Oct 4, 2018

April 22, 2017

I want to have this guy at Perelandra.  Thanks Pete ... and yes ... last night was "epic."  

April 23, 2017

Wow ... the rain has been steady and constant.  Today has been very quiet with pretty much only the sound of the rain.  It has seemed sacred and appropriate.  Thank you Lord for your Grace, your Mercy ... and the rain.

April 24, 2017

I've had an awesome day today.  I can't believe how happy and optimistic I am.  Yesterday was a little "dreary" but I just "felt" it wash over me and ... woke up today ... happy, fulfilled, content.  Sometimes dreams are just dreams.  Sometimes reality is even better ... than a long held dream.  So many good friends called or reached out in support of my heart ... how can I deserve such attention.  So right now I'm listening to "You Belong to the City" and so thankful Rock and Roll is, somehow, still my all time favorite music.  Maybe because it's not pretentious.  It's kind of like "Country" in that respect.  I'm not trying to say any other music necessarily is prententious (although some is) ... I guess I just love the simplicity.  Nichole did two gorgeous Concerts at Perelandra with unpretentious, direct messages for all who were here.  So back to today ... I just followed "You Belong" with "Boys of Summer" ... yikes ... there's a vestige of dream still alive!  Another, sure ... is to someday play with these guys ... I've posted this before.  And if you know me at all you know how much I love Joe ... and all these guys ... so sad Glen has passed.  But he would never want this "train" to stop.  So now you might be thinking ... is Jerry saying Hammered Dulcimer with "The Eagles?"  And I'm saying ... "why not?"

April 28, 2017

So happy tonight.  So fulfilled tonight.  Listening to Kim Walker Smith with "Brave Surrender."  I am so thankful for "the body" of Jesus ... singing, writing, being not afraid ....   Wow ... now listening to "Throne Room."  As the "power of the air" dissolves ... as you rise ... rise!  We are YOURS God.

April 28, 2017

Cool acoustic version of this one:

I'm so far behind "the times" ... but I'm absolutely loving catching up.  

April 29, 2017

I so love how "worship" for me has become my daily "breath."  I'm no longer ... confined ... to places and times.  It's everywhere ... all the time.  So today has been just ... well ... great!  What I like most about my "worship" now ... is it's unpredictability.  I'm surprised constantly by ... what happens next.  I believe ... that that IS heaven.  Yes ... I believe heaven is HERE ... we just need to "drop" the misconceptions of our daily grind ... and SEE!  I believe Our Father is "delivering" us ... now.  So I'm loving both Kari Jobe's version ... as well as Kim Walker Smith's version of "Holy Spirit (you are welcome here)."  I so love these young people being the "torch bearers" of the TRUTH.  So many thanks to SCC, NEN, CC, MM, DMB, PG, DCB, etc, etc, etc.  Anybody guess PG?  There are so many more.  Indeed ... there is an "army" ... rising up ... today!  Hallelujah!May 14, 2017Absolutely fabulous Concert last night at Perelandra with Vicki Genfan!  Great stories, great playing and a wonderful voice too!  So many fine friends gathering to share one of those special evenings in this magical ridgetop place!  Oh ... it does my heart such good.  Also had a fantastic 4 mile hike up in the forest this AM.  Finally, after a couple weeks of no sightings, I came upon a Black Bear!  That makes my 16th this spring.  Upon seeing me (he) just turned and scurried up the mountainside ... stopping to observe my movements.  It is such a marvel to encounter the diversity, Wonder and Peace of God's Creation every Sunrise.  Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, Caroline, and ALL the Mom's out there.  May your day be blessed!June 9, 2017What a delightful walk up through the mist enshrouded forest this morning.  Silent except for the dew occasionally sprinkling down from the upper canopy.  No bear sightings today ... although I've seen 23 so far this Spring!  Temperature was in the low 50's which made the 2 mile climb up to my turn down a ridgeline invigorating in shorts and long sleeve "T" shirt.  I can't hardly begin to express how grateful I am for the life Our Father has afforded me.  I pray that you are thankful this day for His love for you!June 10, 2017I guess I must be getting in better shape!  I did a 4 1/2 mile hike this AM and when I got back I was startled to see I did it in under 1 1/2 hours ... more like 1 hour 20 minutes.  Wow, and I wasn't hurrying ... it was just a pace I was thoroughly enjoying.  Cool!  So about 2 1/4 miles up the forest trail from my front door is where I hit the "Mountain to the Sea" trail.  Just as I arrived I looked up to see a very large male Black Bear (I'd say at least 300 lbs) right in the middle of the trail.  He was shy and turned to trot up the trail away from me.  He was beautiful!  I like to believe that we both share the forest with reverence.  I headed in the opposite direction down the M to S trail and about 1/4 mile later I heard, then saw, another Bear about 50 yards down in the woods.  I thought ... what a great way to start this day!  Maybe 1/4 mile later I saw my first ever "white" squirrel in these woods.  Now we have lots of gray squirrels .... brown squirrels, fox squirrels ... even flying squirrels ... but I'd never seen a white one up here until today.  I just praise the God of all Creation today ... and thank Him for the Peace He grants to those who Know, and Love Him.September 6, 2017A friend told me the other day that she had been missing my posts here.  I reminded her that I don't "strive" to write here ... I only write when I feel "prompted."  Well ... this morning did that to me!  My walk/run up the mountain this AM was cool with invigorating waves of wind and rain.  I say this as my heart goes out to those in SE Texas and Louisiana who've had to endure the extreme in every way ... and to those who now face the onslaught of "Irma" bearing down on them.  Father have mercy!  Please give them strength and let them find their refuge in YOU.  

The last 3 months have been quiet for me.  I think some would call it lonliness ... but I think of it as "ownliness."  It's where a lot of my time is spent relatively alone and it doesn't seem much of significance is happening in my life.  It's a real opportunity for things like ... worry and doubt to creep in but I just ... remain quiet and ... wait ... or ... rest.  I think that times like these ... when I don't try to fill them with "stuff" ... or "busy-ness" can be the deepest times of "learning."  I never have a clue exactly what I'm learning ... at the time ... but later ... when things "pick up" I have the opportunity to see ... or experience in totally new ways what I've been learning.  I love how this current "season" ... as summer turns to fall ... fills me with such energy and hope.  This is my very favorite time of year.  I pray that YOU might embrace your times of "ownliness" and grow stronger in Faith and Love.

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