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Old "Good News" Page 10

March 23, 2017 Wow ... Glen workin' it on guitar.  40 years ago ya'll ... the best American band (Dave Matthews not withstanding).

March 23, 2017 Man ... this girl was one of my fave's ... way back in college.  My good friend Dave Brattain (sp?) went to school with her.  Hope you like it:

March 27, 2017 I don't usually post this late in the day ... it's usually after my walk up the Mountain.  But today was different.  After my 3 mile trek early and assorted other "workout" things I'm doing these days ... I headed off to Starbuck's at my local Ingle's.  As I was parking I noticed someone running after a shopping cart ... which he failed to corral.  Instead he did a high speed "face plant" in the parking lot.  I saw a woman rushing to his aid ... which I followed.  I saw him try to stand but he kept collapsing.  Once I got there I could see that he had a huge knot forming over his left eye.  The woman ... was a nurse from Memorial Mission Hospital in downtown Asheville.  She asked him a lot of appropriate questions.  I helped him to his feet ... and back to his car to sit while we requested assistance.  I asked if he was a Veteran ... and he responded ... yes!  He was bruised and battered ... but not complaining ... so I knew he WAS!  The Manager of Ingle's came out and I felt things were under control ... but for most of the rest of the day I agonized over this poor, lonely man living in "Veteran's Restoration Services" in East Asheville.  Such an obvious sweet soul.  His plight broke my heart.  I'm sure he's fine tonight.  I may try to look him up in a day or two just to make sure.  Then tonight I just received news that a good friend's father just "passed" around 3:00 AM this morning.  Thankfully my friend was by his side.  He made the quick trip to be by his dear parent ... got there just in time to "connect" in an amazingly deep way.  I'm so grateful to Our Father this night.  I weep ... but it's mostly tears of joy and promise.  Thank you "dad" ... that your plan is the one that will prevail ... against all the tears and sorrow ... and that there will be JOY ... in the morning.

March 30, 2017 Up late ... for me.  Dreamin' dreams.  Watching video.  So ... I just have to say ... I really can't believe how someone can play like this!  Vices aside ... he can really play ... whew ... I'm still working on basic chords.  Anyway ... I hope he doesn't disturb your religion ... because this young man has a gift from God.

March 31, 2017 Listening again tonight ... to many.  But here is an amazing live version of an even more amazing song ... by my old friend.  I hope you can see through the "lines."

April 1, 2017 I realize that I'm a little behind the "curve."  Today, still, has been glorious for me.  Awesome 3.5 mile walk up the mountain through the forest early.  Talked with Mom a couple times ... she's so cool.  Got a fire in the fireplace as I type.  Got a Ribeye waiting on me.  I guess the surprise was how much Worship I've enjoyed today.  Besides N e ... Kari Jobe and Hillsong United.  I guess this great stuff has been around so I suppose I must have been busy with other concerns to be only finding it now!  The great thing is ... good is good ... great is great ... and the timing is up to Our Father.  Whenever I start to get anxious ... he pulls me back ... to consider HIS role in this passion play.  Thank you Father today and tomorrow and forever!!!!!!!!!  We Love YOU.

April 4, 2017 At a benefit for Montreat College all day today.  Yesterday was really cool ... write this down ... Swannanoa Valley Cultural Arts Village!  I think it's going to happen.  So here are The Eagles from Christ Church, New Zealand way back in 1995 ... in inclement weather ...

I hope you like it!

April 4, 2017 One more ... great song, great video, great audio, great performance ... I "ache" for this:

April 5, 2017 Wow.  Spent the better part of the day with my friend David.  So good to be back together.  Just found this gem.  I don't think I've ever seen it ... or posted it either.  I hope you can understand ... I need you to understand ...

April 8, 2017 Ok ... so this is an old one.  Still ... it holds up:


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