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Finding comfort today ...

I am merely a "foot soldier" in the Kingdom of God. We are the hands and feet ... and we are an "army." My job is relatively easy. I only need to follow "the plan." I don't know much from day to day exactly what that plan is ... but I can know that it is a good plan and it leads to ultimate victory. That is comforting to me. My "commander" tells me every day ... do not be anxious ... or afraid ... I've got this ... and YOU are part of MY victory! Sure ... there are times when I feel as though I am not doing enough. There are times when I feel as though I need to do more. There have even been times when I felt like "giving up" ... and then I remember ... I DO need to give up! I need to give up MY agenda and surrender to His Amazing Revelation. So I will "soldier" on. I will be happy with my "small part" in His plan. I will strive to hear ... and relinquish my self- importance ... for the cause ... the very cause for which Jesus died ... and wake up to the very life He is bringing me TODAY. I will breathe in the LIFE of HIs Spirit ... and happily "get on" with my place in His Eternal Kingdom. Yes ... I find comfort in being reminded that THAT Kingdom begins every new day ... and is expanding NOW to fill ALL of His Creation. Amen!


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Mar 13, 2021

A great message to be read daily!


Mar 13, 2021

Thank you for this! I needed this message today! Your words ring TRUE for me especially today! God bless you!

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