Thoughts for a Youngster!
On my walk up the mountain this beautiful morning with my "Papa" I found myself in conversation with a youngster. I was telling him how much his Father loves him ... and how he has no need to fear. "Your every step has been designed precisely for you ... for your good ... and for ever." He seemed unsure why bad things happen. I explained it's all part of a perfect plan that we can only understand in glimpses ... but that all things work together for good ... even the bad things ... if we ... love. We talked about prayer. I told him that if we pray out of obligation ... or duty ... that's not really effectual prayer. True prayer comes from our hearts because Our Father moves our hearts to pray. HE draws us ... into the new life HE has planned. Even though things seem bad (and are ... in a temporal sense) you have to "remember to remember" that Our Father ... and His work are Eternal. Bono was right you know .... it's a "Beautiful Day."